Professional and technical translation and localization
- Wolf GmbH – translations from German to Slovak, Czech, Russian, Polish and Hungarian
- Víno Dudo – translations to German and English
- Pizza Mizza – translations to English
- RCV computer program – professional and labour diagnostics – translation from Czech to Slovak and language editing in Slovak
- Wüstenrot
- Soitron, s.r.o.
Copyediting and language, syntax and stylistic editing
- IQ Design for Audi − AudiNews
- QM Slovakia: website
- website
- Pizza Mizza: Menu in Slovak
- Kangen voda: website
- .týždeň, W Press: Štefan Hríb: Medzi nebom a peklom (Between Heaven and Hell); Štefan Hríb: Môj bláznivý život (My Crazy Life)
- Brochures for FBE Bratislava s.r.o.
- TAKTIK Publishing House: Workbooks for Hravá slovenčina 2, 3, 4 a Fourth-year reader
- Ivan Vičar: Bonifác, podivuhodné príbehy lesného škriatka (Boniface – the wondrous stories of a forest sprite; children’s storybook)
- Editing of contributions in Slovak and English for the Child is a Gift International Conference organized by Šanca pre nechcených (Chance for the Unwanted)
- Wolf Česká republika, s.r.o.: film clips translated from German and presented in Czech
- JMB Film and TV Production: production and English subtitling for Láska na vlásku (Love in Your Soul)
Editing including translation, checking, proofreading and preparing accompanying text:
Citadella s.r.o.:
- Elie Wiesel: Noc (Night; La Nuit)
- Jeffrey Fried a Laurie Parsons: Pravohemisférové deti v ľavohemisférovom svete (Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World)
- Laurent Gounelle: Boh cestuje vždy inkognito (God Always Travels Incognito; Dieu voyage tojours incognito)
- Kara Tippets: Najťažší pokoj (The Hardest Peace)
- Rudolf Vrba & Alan Bestic: Nemôžem odpustiť – Utiekol som z Osvienčimu (I Cannot Forgive: Escape from Auschwitz)